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Mission Statement
The Scales Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a nonprofit parent teacher organization (PTO) whose mission is to institute and sustain a close relationship between the parents, teachers, and students by evolving opportunities within the home, school, and community. The PTO provides assistance to teachers within the classroom settings, raises funds for educational materials and experiences, advocates school and family social interaction, and provides an unbiased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children. It is our belief that the team effort of a parent teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children.

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Scales Elementary Parent Teacher Organization are as follows:

·     Promote communication between students, faculty, and parents.
·     Foster and enhance the educational environment.
·     Recruit volunteers and coordinate volunteer efforts for programs and projects that support and enrich the curriculum and educational goals for Scales Elementary.
·     Create and cultivate a sense of community among Scales Elementary.

Scales Elementary


Box Tops

Box Tops for Education: We all shop for groceries. Now turn your shopping trips into easy cash for Scales Elementary. Just look for the Box Tops for Education logo on hundreds of products in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip the logos and send them to our school — each one is worth 10¢ for Scales Elementary. For a list of participating products, click on the Box Tops for Education logo. 


Shoparoo: Turn your shopping receipts into donations for our school. It's that simple. Download the Shoparoo app on your mobile device, buy any item from any store, snap a picture of your receipt, and Shoparoo donates to our school Select: Scales Elementary PTO as the school. SHOP! SNAP! EARN!


Kroger Community Rewards: Request a Kroger Plus card from your cashier if you do not already have one. Use the Kroger icon to enroll your Kroger Plus card on-line or click on At the end of your enrollment you will be able to select Scales Elementary as your school — our organization number is 16525. Every time you shop at Kroger and swipe your card Scales Elementary will earn rewards.

mycoke rewards for schools

My Coke Rewards: Every time you enjoy a participating Coke product, you can help support students at Scales Elementary. By signing up for My Coke Rewards and donating your points to our school, you will help provide art supplies, playground equipment, sports gear, educational resources, and much more for our students. Register today and start turning points from your favorite products into rewards for our school. You can also send your My Coke Rewards points to the school office and the school will enter them for you.


Publix Partners Card: Publix Partners program offers schools a great fundraising opportunity. By simply scanning the Scales Elementary Publix Partners card before paying for your purchase at ANY Publix grocery store, Publix will donate a portion of your sale directly to our school. If you or anyone else you know is a customer of Publix, pick up a Publix Partner card in the school office or request one be sent home with your student.

amazon smile

Amazon Smile: Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to charitable organizations. Shop online through AmazonSmile and add Scales Elementary Parent Teacher Organization as your charitable organization and help your elementary school earn rewards.

Office Depot

Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program: Help Scales Elementary earn free supplies. Our school will earn credits equal to 5% of your qualifying school supply purchases to use for FREE supplies. You can credit the school year-round. Every time you shop at Office Depot, remember to give our school ID #70208718

Labels for Education

Campbell’s Soup Labels: For more than 37 years, Labels for Education has been awarding free educational equipment to schools in exchange for proofs of purchase from the Campbell family of brands. Participating in the program is easy — simply save UPC labels from participating Campbell products and send them to our school. A complete list of participating products and more information is available on the Labels for Education website.


Target Take Charge of Education: Sign up for the Take Charge of Education Program with your Target credit or check card and choose Scales Elementary as your designated school. Target will donate up to 1% of your RED card purchases. Grandparents, alumni, friends, and neighbors are all welcome to participate in the program. Learn more and enroll. It’s that simple! Visit (Program officially ends on May 14, 2016)

Step Up & Serve

Please click on the PayPal Donate button below to make a contribution to the Scales Elementary PTO Step Up & Serve Fundraiser.

Donat Button

Thank you for your donation!